Welcome to the 2023 Hunters Creek Annaul Meeting Page

The meeting will be held at 2000 (8pm) on October 18th 2023
The meeting will be held virtualy - Please contact the board if you have accesability issues to attend virtually

Hunters Creek Annual Meeting
Wednesday, October 18 · 8:00 – 9:00pm
Time zone: America/New_York
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/asn-odqs-ndk

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 267-553-4717‬ PIN: ‪778 395 037‬#

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/asn-odqs-ndk?pin=1103938776043


2023  Hunters Creek Homes Annual Meeting Agenda

Call to Order 8:00 PM 2000 hrs LCL 

Review of Meeting Format (Robert’s Rules of Order)

Respectful Discourse

  • All members are expected to treat each other with respect, even when they disagree.
  • Personal attacks, name-calling, and other disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
  • If a member is behaving in a disrespectful manner, the chair may warn them or remove them from the meeting.

Speaking Time

  • Each member is allowed a maximum of three minutes to speak on any topic not on the agenda.
  • Speakers must address the chair and raise their hand to be recognized.

Open Comment Period

  • During the open comment period, which pertains exclusively to items not on the agenda, each member is allotted a maximum of three minutes to address the assembly.
  • Each member may participate in this open comment period only once, and their speaking time is limited to a total of three minutes.

Review and Voting on Resolutions

  • Each resolution will be read aloud and discussed by the board.
  • Members may speak once per amendment for up to three minutes.
  • Comments should pertain specifically to the respective amendments under consideration.
  • After discussion, a vote will be taken on each resolutio

Treasurer’s Report (Presented by Star Chapman Group CPA)

President and Board’s comments

Membership Comments

  • Opportunity for members to comment on any topic NOT on the agenda of resolution

Discussion and Voting on Resolutions

  • Each resolution will be discussed and voted on

Click here to review resolutions to be presented
