Chapter 1. Introduction

The Hunters Creek Homes Association (HCHA) Board of Directors and Architectural Review Committee (ARC) have developed this edition of the Hunters Creek Community Handbook, published and effective as of June 18, 2023.

Each property owner in Hunters Creek is a member of the HCHA. All homeowners and tenants should be aware of their rights and responsibilities set forth in the following documents:


The Town of Herndon regulates structures, additions, storage/utility buildings, fences, satellite dishes, and other pertinent exterior items through the Department of Public Works (DPW). The DPW issues building permits and performs inspections (for instance for additions, decks, storage/utility buildings, and satellite dishes). The Department of Community Development (DCD) is the Zoning Ordinance compliance body for the Town of Herndon. The DCD formulates and enforces regulations for fences, storage shed placement, locations of decks, and other exterior structures.


The Board of Directors of the HCHA hopes that this handbook will be helpful in informing each homeowner and tenant of the rules and regulations that affect our community. The overall goal of the handbook is to keep our community well maintained and attractive to better protect all our property values.

For New Residents: Welcome to Hunters Creek!

Welcome to Hunters Creek, new residents! We’re excited to have you as part of our community.

To help you get settled in, we’ve compiled some helpful information. Please feel free to contact any member of the board or your neighbors if you have any questions.

Revisions made to initial governing documents have been made for grammar, spelling and punctuation but not changing or altering the content of the original documents tied to the deed of the property.


Hunters Creek was built in 1973 by the developers Miller& Smith, and Ryan on what used to be the Bicksler Farm property. There are 273 single-family homes in the neighborhood.

Garbage and Recycling

Garbage is collected from the curb on Wednesdays, except on holidays, when it is collected on the following day. Garbage must be placed in town-provided covered plastic cans (not plastic bags). Please do not place your garbage out before the afternoon of the day before collection and keep your cans out of sight in the back of your house during the week. Recycling is collected on Mondays. Please verify trash collection with the Town of Herndon as it is subject to change.

Yard Maintenance and Home Improvement

All property in Hunters Creek must be maintained in a neat and safe manner. Branches hanging over the sidewalk and bushes protruding into the sidewalk must be cut back to allow people to walk by freely. Grass must be cut regularly and cannot be longer than 8 inches. Any broken shutters, windows, doors, etc. must be repaired in a timely fashion.

Before making any major changes to your property, such as a new deck or siding, you must contact the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and the Town of Herndon (703-435-6804) to ensure that the changes meet neighborhood and town requirements. The ARC will conduct an annual inspection of all homes in Hunters Creek to ensure that they are being maintained properly. If there are any problems with your property, you will receive a letter with a list of required changes.

Swim and Racquet Club

The Hunters Creek Swim and Racquet Club is open to Hunters Creek residents and others who buy a membership and pay an annual fee. It is located across Herndon Parkway. For more information, go to About Hunters Creek, Hunters Creek Swim and Racquet Club.

Board of Directors

The Hunters Creek Community Association is managed by a volunteer board of directors, who are elected on a rotating basis every year. The board is responsible for developing the budget, overseeing the maintenance of common areas, and resolving any disputes that may arise within the community. The board meets once a year in October to discuss important issues affecting the community.

Property Sale in Hunters Creek 

When a property in Hunters Creek is sold, the seller is required by law to provide the buyer with an association disclosure packet. The packet must disclose the following information:

The buyer is also entitled to request information about the status of any assessments or liens against the property. This information can be obtained from the seller, the association, or the settlement agent.

The Intent of the Legal Requirement

The intent of the legal requirement is to protect both buyers and sellers. The disclosure packet provides buyers with important information about the property, such as whether all assessments have been paid and whether the property follows all applicable regulations. The packet also protects sellers by providing official certification that the property complies.

The Process

The association’s provider will prepare and certify the disclosure packet within several days, if there are no violations or other complications.

Assessment and Lien Status of the Property

The settlement agent or title company will need to confirm the status of the property’s annual assessment payment and any other assessments or liens against the property by the association. This information can be obtained from the seller, the association, or the title company.

Third-Party Processing

The HOA utilizes a third-party company that specializes in providing association disclosure packets for homeowner’s associations. They have a team of experienced professionals who can quickly and efficiently prepare a disclosure packet that meets all legal requirements.

Please visit our website for more information

Important Note

The information in this document is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice. If you have any questions about the legal requirements for selling a property in Hunters Creek, you should consult with an attorney.

Chapter 2. Authorizing Documents

Hunters Creek Homes Association Authorizing Documents and Enabling Legislation

The Hunters Creek Homes Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”) is a non-stock non-profit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The existence, authority, and governing procedures of the Association are based upon the following documents:

The Association is also subject to the Virginia Property Owners Association Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”). The Act grants the Association the authority to enforce the Covenants and Restrictions, to collect assessments, and to maintain the common areas of the development.

Copies of the Covenants and Restrictions, Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, and Act are available for inspection.

The Town of Herndon Municipal Code, including zoning ordinances, is also applicable to the Association. The Town of Herndon has the authority to enforce its ordinances, and the Association may seek enforcement of the Town’s ordinances by the Town.

In addition to the foregoing, the Association is also subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

Chapter 3. Covenants and Restrictions

Actual covenants are available on our website and with governing documents : The below is a summary of the covenants and restrictions

The following covenants and restrictions shall run with and bind the land, and shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Hunters Creek Homes Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”) or the Owner of any lot subject to this Deed of Dedication and Subdivision, their respective legal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns, for a term of twenty (20) years from the date of this Deed of Dedication and Subdivision is recorded, after which time said covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years. The covenants and restrictions of this Deed of Dedication and Subdivision may be amended during the first twenty (20) years by an instrument signed by not less than ninety percent (90%) of the Lot Owners, and thereafter by an instrument signed by not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the Lot Owners, provided that in either case the amendment shall also be approved by the Town Manager of the Town of Herndon, Virginia. Any amendment must be properly executed.

No Commercial Activities

No portion of a lot created by this instrument shall be used for any professional, industrial, mining, or commercial activities, except as can be and are in fact conducted from a single-family residence as provided in Section 28-3-1, Article II, Chapter 28, Code of the Town of Herndon, Virginia.

No Laundry Drying

No clothing, laundry, or wash shall be aired or dried on any portion of the lots in any area other than in the rear yards of the lots.

No Obstructive Plantings

No tree, hedge, or shrub planting shall be maintained in such a manner as to obstruct sight lines for vehicular traffic.

No Nuisances

No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any portion of the residential property, nor shall anything be done thereon or permitted to remain on any lot which may be or become a nuisance or annoyance to the neighborhood.

No Signs

No sign of any kind that is illuminated and/or larger than 2 square feet shall be displayed to the public view of any lot, except for temporary real estate signs no more than 4 square feet in an area advertising the property for sale or rent, and except for temporary signs erected in connection with the development, construction, lease, or sale of improved lots.

No Animals

No horse, pony, cow, chicken, pig, hog, sheep, goat, or other domestic or wild animal shall be kept or maintained on any lot other than common household pets, if they are not kept, bred, or maintained for commercial purposes.

Trash and Garbage

Trash and garbage containers shall not be permitted to remain in public view except on days of trash collection. No accumulation or storage of litter, new or used building materials, or trash of any kind shall be permitted on any lot.

Building Colors

No person shall paint the exterior of any building a color different from the original color of said building without the proposed color having been approved by the Board of Directors of the Association, or by the Architectural Control Committee appointed by the Board.


No structure or addition to a structure shall be erected, placed, or altered on any lot until the specifications, including elevation, material, color, and texture, and a site plan showing location of improvement with grading modifications shall be approved in writing by the Board of Directors of the Association or an Architectural Control Committee appointed by the Board. Structure shall be defined to include any building or portion thereof, fence, pavement, driveway, or appurtenances to any of the aforementioned.

Junk Vehicles

No junk vehicle or house trailer shall be kept on any lot. No storage of boats, boating equipment, travel trailers, or camping equipment shall be visible from the street. The location and design of enclosures for boating, camping, traveling (other than automobiles) and related equipment shall be approved by the Architectural Control Committee, as required under Paragraph 9 therein.


The Association, or any Owner, shall have the right to enforce, by any proceeding at law or in equity, all restrictions, conditions, covenants, reservations, liens, and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Deed of Dedication and Subdivision. Failure by the Association or by an Owner to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter.


Invalidation of any one of these covenants or restrictions by judgment or court order shall in no way affect any other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect.

Chapter 4. Amended Articles of Incorporation

The Amended Articles of Incorporation of Hunters Creek Homes Association, executed on August 23, 1973, and amended on October 1, 1977, are available here. The official documents are on file at the Office of the State Corporation Commission. This version has been modified for grammar spelling and readability –

Article I: Name of the Corporation

The corporation is known as HUNTERS CREEK HOMES ASSOCIATION, hereinafter referred to as the “Association.”

Article II: Initial Registered Office

The initial registered office of the Association is located at P.O. Box 547, 10409 Main Street, City of Fairfax, Virginia.

Article III: Initial Registered Agent

Daniel H. Shaner, a resident of Virginia, a member of the Virginia State Bar, and a Director of the Corporation, with a business address at P.O. Box 547, 10409 Main Street, Fairfax, Virginia, 22030, is hereby appointed as the initial registered agent of this Association.

Article IV: Purpose and Powers of the Association

The Association is a non-stock non-profit corporation established to provide the following:

The Association shall have the authority to:

Article V: Membership

Every person or entity who is a record owner of a fee or undivided fee interest in any residential lot subject to the Covenants and Restrictions for Hunters Creek shall be a member of the Association. Each owner shall have one membership per lot or Townhouse, and membership shall be tied to ownership.

Article VI: Voting Rights

The Association shall have three classes of voting memberships:

Class A: All residential lot owners, excluding Class B and Class C members, entitled to one vote per lot they own.

Class B: Owners of certain Townhouses subject to the Master Deed for Hunters Creek Condominium, with voting rights similar to Class A members.

Class C: Trustees or their successors or assigns, holding a specific number of votes for each lot or Townhouse, until specific events occur.

Article VII: Board of Directors

The Association shall be managed by a Board of five (5) Directors, who need not be members of the Association. The initial Board members are listed herein, and new directors will be elected for three-year terms as existing directors’ terms expire.

Article VIII: Liabilities

The Association’s total indebtedness or liability may not exceed 150 percent of its income for the previous fiscal year, with additional amounts subject to approval by the membership at a duly held meeting.

Article IX: Authority to Mortgage or Encumber

Any mortgage or deed of trust by the Association of Common Area or Recreational Area shall require the assent of more than two-thirds (2/3) of the votes, in person or by proxy, entitled to be cast by the entire membership at a duly held meeting.

Article X: Authority to Dedicate

The Association may dedicate, grant easements, sell, or transfer parts of Common Area or Recreational Area to public agencies or utilities with the approval of more than two-thirds (2/3) of the votes, in person or by proxy, entitled to be cast by the entire membership at a duly held meeting.

Article XI: Dissolution

The Association may be dissolved with the assent of more than two-thirds (2/3) of the votes, in person or by proxy, entitled to be cast by the entire membership at a duly held meeting. Upon dissolution, the assets of the Association shall be dedicated to an appropriate public agency for purposes reflecting the Association’s objectives.

Article XII: Duration

The corporation shall exist perpetually.

Article XIII: Amendments

Amendments to these Articles shall require the assent of seventy-five percent (75%) of the votes, in person or by proxy, entitled to be cast by the entire membership at a duly held meeting.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned, constituting the incorporators of this Association, have executed these Articles of Incorporation on August 23, 1973.

Otis D. Coston, Jr. Kenneth F. Murphy William T. Klevan

Articles of Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation of Hunters Creek Homes Association

Amend Article V Membership

Every person or entity who is a record owner of a fee or undivided fee interest in any residential lot subject to the Covenants and Restrictions for Hunters Creek, as recorded among the Fairfax County, Virginia land records, shall be a Class A member of the Association. No owner shall have more than one membership per lot. Membership is tied to ownership of the lot.

Amend Article VI Voting Rights

The Association shall have two classes of voting membership:

Class A: Owners of residential lots subject to the Covenants and Restrictions for Hunters Creek, with one vote per lot they own.

Class B: Trustees or their successors or assigns, holding a specific number of votes for each lot, with specific events triggering a change to Class A membership.

Executed on March 1, 1978, in the name of the corporation by its President and Secretary.



Thomas K. Brown


Donald R. Redrup Secretary

Chapter 5. By-laws

Complete by-laws can be found on the "By-laws Explained" page of the website. Sub-pages contain additional information and break-down of the by-laws.

Chapter 6. Architectural Review Process

Exterior Alterations

The following exterior alterations require approval from the Architectural Review Committee (ARC):

ARC approval must be obtained before any construction, addition, or alteration begins. If there are any questions about the application process, they should be put in writing and sent to the ARC for resolution.

Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance on the exterior of a home or property that does not alter the appearance does not require approval from the ARC. This includes, but is not limited to:

Application Process

If you are not sure whether a proposed exterior alteration requires ARC approval, you should apply to the ARC. Applications can be submitted online at

Once an application is received, the ARC will review it and decide on whether to approve or deny the application. The ARC will notify the applicant of its decision in writing.

Decisions on ARC Applications

Decisions on ARC applications are made at the next regularly scheduled ARC meeting. Applications must be submitted at least five business days prior to the meeting to be considered.

No ARC Meetings in July or December

For more information on ARC procedures, please visit

Specific Projects Requiring / Not Requiring ARC Approval

Repainting and Residing

The following exterior alterations to a home in Hunters Creek require approval from the Architectural Review Committee (ARC):

The following exterior alterations to a home in Hunters Creek do not require ARC approval:

Roof Replacement

The following roof replacements require ARC approval:

The following roof replacements do not require ARC approval:

Window Replacement

The following window replacements require ARC approval:

The following window replacements do not require ARC approval:

Sheds, Decks Patios, and Accessory Buildings

The following alterations to sheds, decks, patios, and accessory buildings require ARC approval:

The following alterations to sheds, decks, patios, and accessory buildings do not require ARC approval:

Additions or Exterior Modification to the House

All additions or exterior modifications to a house in Hunters Creek require ARC approval and a Town of Herndon building permit from DPW.


The following alterations to fences require ARC approval:

Special Regulations for Wire Fencing

The repair of existing wire mesh or chain link fencing is very limited. The following rules must be followed:



Landscaping and Tree Trimming

Swimming Pools

Vehicles/Vehicle Storage

Trailers, boats, and recreational vehicles (RVs) may be parked in driveways for a period not to exceed 12 business days for the purpose of maintenance, repair, seasonal summarizing, and winterizing.

The following definitions apply:

Trailers, boats, and RVs that are parked in driveways for maintenance, repair, seasonal summarizing, or winterizing must be:

Satellite Dishes and Digital TV Dishes

Appendix A. Hunters Creek Storage Lot Regulations

The Hunters Creek Homes Association (referred to as “the Association”) establishes the following Rules and Regulations (referred to as “the Rules”) for the orderly operation of the Hunters Creek Homes Association Storage Lot (referred to as “the Storage Lot”).


The Storage Lot is exclusively designated for the use of Hunters Creek property owners and residents, pool members, and current contractors performing active services for the community.


2.1 Vehicle Registration

All vehicles stored in the Storage Lot must undergo registration and obtain authorization from the Association before being stored within the premises of the Storage Lot. Requests for registration should be submitted via email to

2.2 Individual Storage Slot Assignment

Each storage slot within the Storage Lot shall be rented and assigned to an individual slot renter. The assigned storage slot is strictly intended for the exclusive use of the designated individual.

2.3 Limitation on Storage Slots

The allocation of storage slots may be restricted to one slot per slot renter in situations where a waiting list for storage slots exists. Slot renters possessing multiple storage slots may be required, at the discretion of the Association, to relinquish any additional storage slot(s) if there is a waiting list. In such cases, affected slot renters will be duly notified by Certified Letter and granted a 30-day period to surrender the excess storage slot(s).

2.4 Authorized Parking

Vehicles must be parked only in the storage slot assigned to the respective slot renter by the Association. Any vehicle found parked in unauthorized storage slots shall be deemed as trespassing.

2.5 Unauthorized Presence

Any vehicle or item within the Storage Lot, including those present in storage slots that have been forfeited due to violations of these Rules and Regulations, shall be considered trespassing unless expressly authorized in writing by the Association.

2.6 Compliance with Town Ordinance

All vehicles stored within the Storage Lot must adhere to the Town of Herndon ordinance governing “Junked, Wrecked, Inoperable Property.”

2.7 Availability of Storage Slots

Storage slots within the Storage Lot are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. In the event that all storage slots are occupied, the Association shall not be obligated to provide additional slots. However, the Association reserves the right, at its discretion, to maintain a waiting list and assess storage slot assignment and waitlist inclusion on a case-by-case basis.

2.8 Valid State License Tags

All vehicles stored within the Storage Lot must possess valid and up-to-date state license tags.

2.9 Permitted Vehicle Types

Only personal, small commercial, and recreational vehicles are allowed within the Storage Lot (e.g., campers, boats on trailers). Large commercial vehicles are strictly prohibited. Vehicles must fall under Class 1, 2, or 3 as defined by the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (typically weighing 14,000 lbs. or less).

2.10 Maintenance and Security

All vehicles stored within the Storage Lot must be maintained in a safe condition. Tires must be properly inflated, and vehicles must be neatly arranged within their assigned storage slots. Enclosed vehicles (e.g., automobiles, campers) must be securely locked, while unenclosed vehicles (e.g., boats, trailers) must be adequately supported.

2.11 Single Vehicle per Storage Slot

Only one vehicle is allowed to be stored within each assigned storage slot.

2.12 Access Gate Lock Combination

Upon assignment of a storage slot, the slot renter shall receive a unique combination for the access gate lock to the Storage Lot. The combination must not be shared with any individuals or organizations. The Association reserves the right to periodically change the combination, with notification of the changes provided to the slot renters.

2.13 Updated Information

Any changes to the information provided during the registration process (e.g., license plate number, contact information) must be promptly reported to the Association via email at

2.14 Limited Liability

The Association shall not be held liable for any loss or damage to any item or vehicle stored within the Storage Lot. The usage of the Storage Lot is entirely at the risk of the slot renter. It is the slot renter’s responsibility to obtain appropriate insurance coverage for their stored vehicle.

2.15 Annual Fee

Slot renters shall be subject to an annual fee for the utilization of storage slots within the Storage Lot. Failure to make timely payment of fees may result in immediate forfeiture of the storage slot by the Association.

2.16 Prohibited Sharing of Lock Combination

Any slot renter found to have directly or indirectly shared the Storage Lot lock combination with unauthorized individuals, except immediate family members and parties having a legitimate interest in a vehicle, shall have their storage slot immediately forfeited by the Association.

2.17 Subleasing Prohibition

The subleasing of storage slots is strictly prohibited and may result in immediate forfeiture of the storage slot by the Association.

2.18 Non-Resident Service Providers

The Association reserves the right, at its discretion, to permit non-resident service providers to utilize storage slots for storing equipment required for the maintenance of the Association’s property.

2.19 Temporary Vacating of Storage Slots

The Association may require slot renters to temporarily vacate their storage slots during periods of Storage Lot improvements (e.g., tree removal, repaving, restriping). Except in emergency situations determined by the Association, the Association will strive to provide 30 days’ notice to affected slot renters. Failure to properly vacate the storage slot may result in the vehicle being considered trespassing.

2.20 Discretionary Slot Reassignment

The Association reserves the right to reassign storage slots at its discretion.

2.21 Annual Certification and Information Update

Residents shall be obligated to annually certify their acknowledgment of the Rules and Regulations outlined in this document. Additionally, residents must promptly provide any information requested by the Association pertinent to the operation of the Storage Lot (e.g., contact information).

2.22 Compliance and Corrective Action

Unless otherwise specified, any slot renter found in violation of any of the Rules and Regulations described in this document may be sent a Certified Letter, providing a period of fourteen days to rectify any violations. Failure to address the violations or remove the vehicle from the Storage Lot may result in the forfeiture of the assigned storage slot, and the vehicle and any remaining items may be deemed as trespassing.

2.23 Trespassing Consequences

Any vehicle or item considered to be trespassing within the Storage Lot shall be subject to immediate and appropriate action by the Association, including towing without prior notification at the expense of the vehicle owner.

Section 2.24 Violation Fees

Any and all violations, including but not limited to the failure to update contact information on the vehicle, which necessitates a board member or RV lot manager to engage with a renter, will result in a fee of $500.00 being assessed. In the event of a second occurrence, the renter will be permanently banned from renting in the RV lot.

Appendix B:  Architectural Review Committee Walk-Through Visual Check

The Hunters Creek Homes Association (HCA) Architectural Review Committee (ARC) will conduct a walk-through of Hunters Creek to visually inspect the exteriors of homes and properties for routine maintenance. The ARC will view each property from public walkways and check for the following:

Landscaping: Dead trees, shrubs, and bushes should be removed. Lawns should be maintained, and grass height should not exceed 8 inches. Tree branches on public walkways should be trimmed to 7 feet high or higher.

Front yard ornaments, trees, shrubs, and bushes: These should be neat and free of hazards to neighborhood safety and line of sight at corners.

Fences: Any needed repairs or replacements should be made.

House siding, trim, windows, front doors, gutters, and shutters: These should be in good repair or replaced if missing.

Exterior colors, stains, siding, trim, windows, and front doors: These should be neat and free of peeling, flaking, or chipping paint. No more than three different colors should be used on the exterior of the house.

Private walkways and stoops: Any needed repairs or replacements should be made.

Sheds: These should be neat and free of clutter.

Mailboxes: These should be neat and free of clutter.

Driveways: The surface of driveways should be all the same material and should be in good repair or resurfaced if needed.

Cars: Cars should not be parked on grass.

The ARC will notify homeowners of any items that need to be repaired or replaced. Homeowners are responsible for making the necessary repairs or replacements within a reasonable time frame.

The ARC’s walk-through is an important part of maintaining the overall appearance and safety of our community. By working together, we can help to keep Hunters Creek beautiful and safe for all.

Failure to comply with the ARC’s requirements may result in the following:

A written warning from the ARC.

A fee assessed from the HCA.

A requirement to make the necessary repairs or replacements within a specified time frame.

In extreme cases, the HCA may take legal action against the homeowner.

We urge all homeowners to cooperate with the ARC’s walk-through and to make any necessary repairs or replacements promptly. By working together, we can keep Hunters Creek a beautiful and safe community for all.

Appendix C.  Rental Properties


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all rental properties in Hunters Creek Homes are properly registered and that the tenants and authorized occupants are aware of and agree to abide by the association’s rules and regulations.

Required Information

The following information must be submitted to the association for all rental properties:


Failure to provide the required information or to abide by the association’s rules and regulations may result in a fine of $50.00 per violation plus an additional $10.00 fee.

Contact Information

For more information about this policy, please visit our website

Appendix D: Selected Town of Herndon Zoning Ordinances

The Town of Herndon is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards for residential communities. Below are summaries of various Town regulations that impact the appearance and harmony of our residential neighborhoods. For the complete wording of these regulations, please refer to the Town Code. Contact information for obtaining additional details and full copies of each regulation, as well as requesting enforcement, is also provided. The Town Council implemented these regulations for the benefit of the citizens. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding these measures, please reach out to Town officials.

Section A: Property Maintenance

Trash and Solid Waste

Property owners in the Town are responsible for keeping their property free of trash, garbage, refuse, litter, or any substances that may jeopardize the health or safety of residents. Owners must remove and dispose of trash and solid waste properly. To learn about proper disposal methods and pick-up schedules, refer to the Citizen’s Guide to Trash and Recycling, available from the Department of Public Works.

Grass and Weeds

Every property owner must ensure that their property remains free of high grass and weeds (over 12 inches). Tall grass and weeds can become breeding grounds for insects and attract rodents. Owners of vacant properties must mow their properties at least twice a year: once before June 1st and again by August 1.

Shrubs and Trees

Property owners are responsible for maintaining their shrubs and trees. Shrubs and trees should not grow into public rights of way or obstruct public sidewalks. Overgrown trees on sidewalks and roadways pose hazards to drivers and pedestrians. Property owners must trim such trees. If you live on a corner lot, refrain from planting shrubs or trees that obstruct drivers’ views when turning corners.

Exterior of Houses

Property owners must properly maintain the exterior of their houses. Houses should be free of holes, cracks, broken doors, and windows. Wood and metal surfaces should have intact paint. Peeling, flaking, and chipped paint violate Town codes and must be addressed and repainted.

Section B: Public Nuisances

Inoperable Vehicles

An inoperable vehicle refers to any motor vehicle, trailer, or semi-trailer that is not in operating condition, lacks valid license plates, or displays an expired inspection decal for more than 60 days. Storing inoperable vehicles outside without screening from view is a misdemeanor.


Between 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., the following activities are unlawful within residential districts:

Animal Waste

Dogs must not foul public areas or the property of others. Dog owners must clean up after their pets when walking them. Keeping animals in a manner that causes unsanitary conditions is prohibited.

Leash Requirement

Dogs must be kept on leashes and are not allowed to roam freely onto others’ properties.

Commercial Vehicles on Public Streets

The Town of Herndon has regulations concerning commercial vehicles on public streets to ensure safety and prevent nuisances. Key regulations include: